Photographer and Cinematographer

Turning Memories into Art

I am a Media Production graduate located on the Isle of Wight. I prodominately specialised in photography but also created cinematic work throughout my time at University, I also ran social media accounts for work experience.

Behind the Scenes

I did behind the scenes photography for the film Sorry. I Can't Remember. It was a great experience to be apart of a filmset with amazing people, cast and production.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, I had a university assignment to create a YouTube channel about anything that interested me. I naturally chose camera gear being a camera nerd! Whilst it has been dormant for a while, I do want to bring it back.

Beautiful thoughts from clients

JAde Mansbridge - Cex Shirley

”Hard working, quick learning and a bubbly personality. Tommy really took the branding of the store to social media."

Mark Joyce - NextStep7

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